Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mount Everest - Peak Of the World

MOUNT EVEREST(8848 meters)                                  


                                   The early 1950s when Tenzig Norgay and Sir Edmund Hillary first climbed its summit.It was that day when a human foot step was printed at the toppest of the World, Mt. EVEREST, 8848 m tall.  
           Mount Everest is just one of over 30 peaks in the Himalayas that are over 24,000 ft/7315m high. Himalaya is a Sanskrit word meaning, "abode of snow", which is so true. The snowfields which dominate many of the peaks in the Himalayas are permanent. Yes, they never melt (not even in the summer). That means there are glaciers in the Himalayas - lots of them. Mount Everest is permanently covered in a layer of ice, topped with snow. The "top" of the mountain at which the elevation was measured can vary as much as twenty feet or more, depending on how much snow has fallen on its peak. Scientists believe that the actual tip of the rock lies tens of feet below the ice and snow on its summit. There are current plans to use ground penetrating radar to get a reading of the actual height of the mountain beneath all that snow. Although the Himalayan Range is only 1,550 miles/2480km long, the average height of all the major peaks in the Himalayas easily makes it the highest mountain range on land.
                                More than 4,000 climbers have since scaled the mountain and tourism, including climbing, is a key source of income for Nepal, among the world’s underdeveloped countries

Here are some pictures to enlarge your view :

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